Thursday, December 10, 2015

Café på Bit Second Tournament results!

Congratulations to Tim Edvardsson for snagging the win in the second tournament of Pixelbot Arena at Café på Bit! He was actually the runner-up at the last tournament that were held there. The runner-up this time was Totte Aspevind.
Tim will be displayed in the main menu tournament winners' list very soon.

I've been working a lot on the game lately, but there's a lot of stuff made that hasn't seen the light of day, yet. Powerups, stages, profiles. Still, an update is just around the corner.

The last few visits to Café på Bit has made me really motivated for Pixelbot Arena. I'm actually going to Awesome Games Done Quick which is in less than a month, and I want to bring the game with me there. So I'll try to squeeze in some more work on the game together with the speedrun practice that I need to do.
But after that AGDQ is over I want to focus solely on Pixelbot Arena. The thoughts about having online multiplayer in this game is coming back to me more and more often.

Let the future of PBA be bright. Play on!